Neuromorphic Processors are a new generation of computer chips that mimic the biological processes in the human brain. Notably, they remove the memory bottleneck that exists in typical computer architectures, by co-locating memory and processing. Because of this, they consume significantly less power than modern GPU and TPU based systems and can perform complex signal, image, and natural language processing tasks in real-time. This performance makes them an excellent choice for edge-deployed sensor systems and Machine Learning at the edge.
Bascom Hunter develops in-house custom neuromorphic photonic processors and photonic accelerators , integrates 3rd party neuromorphic electronic processors into rugged formats for DoD applications, and designs algorithms and firmware to meet customers needs on commercially available neuromorphic electronic hardware (for both spiking and continuous neural networks).
While we can create bespoke solutions, we also recognize the need by our DoD customers to bring modularity, standardization and interoperability to the warfighter. Bascom Hunter specializes in integrating neuromorphic processors into both modern and legacy intelligence and defense systems in 3U OpenVPX™ systems fully compliant with MOSA initiative standards like SOSA, FACE, HOST, and CMOSS.
FPGAs offer tangible improvements over traditional CPU and GPU processors for both sensor deployments and Machine Learning (ML) tasks. Bascom Hunter excels in partnering with military and intelligence partners to rapidly develop custom FPGA solutions that leverage SoC and neuromorphic processors that tackle some of the toughest challenges facing our nation today.
ASICs promise significant improvements over traditional CPU, GPU, and TPU processors, perfect for low Size, Weight, and Power (SWaP) Machine Learning (ML) applications. Like FPGAs, ASICs are exceptionally well-suited for machine learning tasks that require a lot of computational power, such as deep learning and neural network training. Bascom Hunter works collaboratively with 3rd party ASIC vendors to inegrate their technology for Defense and Intelligence applications.
Our nation’s most demanding applications require performance and accuracy at the speed of light. Missions like Automatic Target Recognition (ATR), Hypersonic Vehicle Detection, and Autonomous Navigation all require real-time processing and inferencing on countless high bandwidth multi-phenomena sensors in parallel, rendering modern Machine Learning (ML) processors like CPUs, TPUs, and GPUs inert. Bascom Hunter specializes in leveraging Silicon Photonics to offload the most compute-intensive tasks in ML, like Matrix Vector Multiplication (MVM). By leveraging analog optical processing, our processors avoid the classic electronic bottlenecks to achieve classification latencies as low as 200 picoseconds; translating to 0.16 Terra Multiply-Accumulate operations per second.